Get Images Library Photos and Pictures. On the very day of the solstice, December 21, 2020, Jupiter will come as close to Saturn as Jove's own moons! . #astronomy #lunar #telescope #constellations #moon_of_the_day #nightskyphotography #astro_photography #starphotography #astronomer #astro_photography #celestron #milkywaypics #oraclereadings #moonpics #craters #ig_moons #lightpollution #waxingmoon #skyatnight #earthfromspace #astrophotos #waningmoon #supermoon🌕 #fantasticuniverse #astrofacts #orionnebula #waninggibbous #moonphotos "What a shot taken from Melbourne Australia" 🔭 SLOOH SpaceCamera - Live Event as seen from Calif. # 19 SLOOH Space Camera - Robotic Telescopes. Membership. Astronomy. Space Enthusiasts. Live Celestial Shows - Transit of Venus, Total Lunar Eclipse, Total Solar Eclipse, Comets, Supernovas, Conjunctions, solar flares, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Moon, and much more.